Photo by Mohammad Nohassi — Unsplash

Spirituality, Science and Leadership

Marianne Arnkjaer
7 min readOct 19, 2020

Do spirituality, science and leadership have anything in common? And is it possible to let go of the old paradigms of business leadership in order to get better results?

In recent years spirituality has become incredibly popular. However, in business often seen as a bit on the shadow side. How does it fit in with logic and the traditional ways of thinking that have been highly regarded for hundreds, maybe thousands of years?

How may it actually help us? Let’s take a keen look upon the pros, the cons and the doubts that surrounds the interesting subject of spirituality, science and leadership.

Spirituality in Practice

One of my clients recently wrote to me: “Wow, it does really make really good sense to allow room and let go!”.

She was referring to one of our sessions. In this session she worked on sensing what she sincerely wanted to happen and how this experience would make her feel. Then she was supposed to let go of the precise outcome and instead trust that all would go well. Furthermore, she should do this small excercise every day.

A couple of weeks later I got her mail. She was so happy that things finally turned to move in the right direction for her. In fact, it felt like sailing downstream and not up stream, as she said.

The Law of Attraction

According to the Law of Attraction which is highly spoken of as a way to manifest results, you are supposed to visualize and sense the desired outcome in order to be on the same frequency as the wish in order to get what you want.

You can read much more about this topic in the book “Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires” by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks. They say themselves that the book was downloaded from a group of beings that call themselves Abraham. They have a massive following all over the world.

Of course, one single result doesn’t do it. However, people all over the world are trying different (self)leadership methods. They do not want to work long hours. They are on the search for more fulfilling and nourishing methods of creation.

Jung and the Akashic Records

Carl Gustaf Jung founded analytical phycology and created some of the best known psychological concepts, such as synchronicity, archetypal phenomena, the collective unconscious and much more (Wikipedia). However these three concepts are of the greatet interest with regards to spirituality.

Synchronicity is a concept, which holds that events are “meaningful coincidences” if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related (Wikipedia).

Especially, Jung thought the collective unconscious was a kind of knowledge bank that we access tuning into it in our dreams. The language of dreams being archetypal.

It has been suggested that we not only tap into the collective unconscious in our dreams but in fact store or share our knowledge in the cloud, so to speak.

The anciant people of Veda called this “space” The Akasha. In the old traditions, Akasha was accessed through meditation and dreams much like Jung thought.

Meditation Proven Beneficial

Research prooved long ago that silencing the brainchatter when meditating highly improves thinking. Other means of improving performance is breathing, affirmations etc. So we already know scientifically that meditation give us

  • More mental capacity
  • Emotional maturity
  • A lot better performance and perceverance

We may call this growing up as true adults.

Does Quantum Physics Condone Spirituality?

Or is the science behing it quantum physics?

Quantum entanglement means that object A is connected and correlates with object B in such a way that object A may interact with object B.

Translated into plain English this could mean that we and all things are connected in ways not always to be seen by the naked eye and therefore not understood by the mind.

Spirituality talks about intuitive, conscious or existential experiences. Accepting the connection to quantum physics it should be possible to receive different kinds of knowledge and wisdom and use the information in decitions and daily guidance of prioritizing tasks.

Prioritizing and choosing which goals and tasks are most important, is leadership. That is, the leadership for us and our business.

So can we believe that spirituality, science and leadership may actually go hand in hand?

Info Box

Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when a pair or group of particles is generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in a way such that the quantum state of each particle of the pair or group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, including when the particles are separated by a large distance… Measurements of physical properties such as position, momentum, spin, and polarization performed on entangled particles can, in some cases, be found to be perfectly correlated (Wikipedia).

Photo by Harry Grout — Unsplash

The Brain Is Like the Radio

Abraham-Hicks suggest that there are other ways to create results than the usual hard work and long hours. They suggest that the Law of Attraction using thoughts and feelings should be regarded equally as serious.

Although I suspect this is a hard thing to do for many in business and elsewhere.

If you think of the brain as a transmitter of waves (particles or sound), then it becomes of utmost importance what it transmits — given object A attracts object B if being on the same frequency.

Following this reasoning, where the thoughts and feelings are the waves, how you feel and think is not to be taken lightly.

Besides, I’d rather listen to smooth jazz than head banger heavy metal. But that’s just my taste.

By tuning in to our desire, our feelings become the medium that generates the right frequency for the wish to land. That is, we, as object A tune in on the wish, object B.

Since A and B now are connected on the same frequency, object A may affect object B, and vice versa. Precisely as my client who tuned in on her wish did and manifested her wish a couple of weeks later.

Spirituality and Leadership

The moment we begin to accept that there might be other ways to Rome than we may be able to see with the naked eye — that is, se that there may be several options and methods to solve problems, make plans and show up in our leadership — that moment our work life will change.

However, this spiritual way of working and manifesting cannot be practiced if you are stressed out or really working blood, sweat and tears. You need to be able to release yourself and your feelings from the day to day hustle.

This means that if you choose to work in this manner, training every day, you will begin to see less health symptoms relating to the working culture now existing. Working cultures where the phycological environment causes stress, anxiety, daily worrying etc. We need to thrive on a daily basis at least some of the time.

Think about the perspective for not only the individual but to the working environments and society. Some elementary schools begin the day with the children meditating and see calmer and happier kids. The parents talk about generally more ease in the children/parent relationships. No tantrums or dramas when shopping after work and school.

What’s not to like about that?

When we meditate, the brain is silenced and the thoughts fewer and less distracting. In this way we create room for visualizing, intuition and an inner knowing of coherences that we cannot come to understand logically.

Because object A and B are in correspondence, we are able to find solutions that are holistic, sustainable and creates results faster and much easier.

Timing Is of the Essence

Leadership is, among a lot of other things, also strategy and timing of events and tasks.

Meditation and the ability to feel into the desired result can be involved together with “the old” tools for strategizing. By taking the quantum physics coherence into the planning processes, we may see surprising priorities of when to do what.

And yet, still everything goes together in the most perfect way. When you feel into the timeline of your plan and maybe change it in accordance with your intuition, it is possible to see extraordinary timing — also called synchronicities.

So, as you see, spirituality, science and leadership really can go hand ind hand. But it does take some awareness and training. Just as learning how to drive or solve a mathematic problem do.

One essential aspect must be remembered though when using the Law of Attraction. My client actually took action. She trained her visualization every day and worked with her feelings actively.

In other cases, you must act out your plan. It is not enough to wish for things to happen. This is because, accourding to the law, you get what you are a vibrational match for, not what you think. Action is the strongest proof of who you are.

Let your intuition guide you.



Marianne Arnkjaer

Mastercoach, spiritual, mother, business owner, yogateacher. I help especially women create wealth for themselves in business the feminine way. We need it.