3 Crucial Habits For Your Success

Marianne Arnkjaer
9 min readJan 29, 2021
Three Crusial Habits for Success and Money
Photo by Christian Buehner (Unsplash)

They say both failure and success is a question of your habits.

In this article, I will show you what the crucial habits are for your success. That way, you may enjoy a job where you can thrive. A job or business that doesn’t kill you.

These are the crucial habits that will transform your mindset to let you work less, achieve more, and earn more.

Many of us strongly believe in hard work as a means to success and money. This way of thinking is what most of us were brought up with.

However, many people suffer strenuous and troublesome lives working hard in their career or business. I see this amongst my clients as severe stress and burn-out. They feel like failures and don’t know how to move on.

Work Is Supposed To Be Rewarding

In fact, work should not only make you a living but also make you feel alive. If life is tuff because of the hard work you do every day, then it is not really living, is it?

Maybe the pay is just too meager? Do you have to work two jobs? Or, do you have to rely on your spouse to pay the bills while you struggle in your business?

Often we have a difficult time keeping up the energy when the work is just too hard. It will most certainly become a downward spiral.

Something being too hard is a matter of mindset. If you look for the difficult things, this is what you get. Similarly, if you look for the fun stuff, the beauty in people and surroundings, then that is what you get.

Imagine jumping out of bed looking forward to going to work? Imagine that maybe you do not earn what you would like to but that you know you will? Imagine that your mood has become more optimistic because you do not worry so much anymore?

It is not about thinking happy thoughts. It is all about trusting yourself and your ability to do well. You might not yet have the job or business of your dreams. However, you have found ways to enjoy the day, your colleagues, and all the circumstances around it.

Your Mindset For Success

If you want to go up the staircase, mindset is the very first step to success. You basically need to believe that you can do it. Not in one giant step but in several small steps.

Even if you probably don’t know the concrete steps right now, the same is true in real life.

This is where the crucial habits play their role. You need to believe in yourself every day. This does not come without effort.

I am sure you know someone who talks about themselves in negative ways? Someone who always makes excuses for not doing things good enough? Someone who thinks they are less entitled to a job that is rewarding and fun?

I was such a person once. I know many women, especially, who think like this. So they undermine their self-worth by thinking less of their competencies. I believe that self-worth and the ability to make money are connected more than we think.

How can anybody argue for a higher price or better wages if they deep down don’t really think their service is valuable?

Or that they are worth it?

By the way, are you willing to let in success (and money)?

3 Crucial Habits

Did you know that your subconscious mind covers 90% of your mental capacity? And that it can process 40 million bits of data (Source Dr. Bruce Lipton)?

The subconscious is the original part of the brain. It takes care of everything in your body, from feeling the stone in your shoes and having you taking it out, to digesting last night’s dinner and everything in between.

Consciousness is actually an option we have. Many don’t choose it. It is your creative center but can only process about 40 bits of data per second (Source Dr. Bruce Lipton). So guess which part of the brain is the stronger.

Because we cannot consciously monitor our “inner control system” all the time, we must program it to do what we want. These programs are called habits.

The more tired you are the more the subconscious mind will take over. It takes effort and will to choose to be conscious.

Our belief systems and values create (see my previous article about Values) these habits over time. Sometimes they are positive, sometimes negative, but always with the positive intention of protecting us from harm.

Presuming you know what you want to accomplish, the three most crucial habits for your money mindset and success are

  1. Accept what is
  2. Be a real friend to yourself
  3. Massive action

Of course, you may want to implement more good habits that are right for you when pursuing a goal or “just” wanting to enjoy everyday life.

However, these three I find are the absolute minimum to implement. And for most people, a rather tall order. I still work on them for sure. At the end of this article, you will find practical ways to implement them.

Accept what is. You don’t have to like it but you must be able to work with it.
Photo by Andrey Zvyagintsev (Unsplash

Accept What Is

You don’t have to like it. But you need to work with it. This is not possible if you are in any kind of resistance.

If you live in Washington and want to go to Paris, it really will send you on a detour to book a flight from New York.

You have to accept where you are, geographically as well as in your life right now.

What are the facts of your situation? What can be changed now and what not?

Suffering occurs when we wish something was different. I often see people make the perfect plan from the standpoint of where they want to be. How they want to feel about others, etc.

It is like planning your wardrobe after you lost 10 pounds. That strategy is sure to make you feel bad. Don’t do it to yourself.

It is fruitless to discuss with reality. Figure out what your standing point is and accept the situation as it is. Accept this without making it hard on yourself. Save your energy for the work you must do to change it.

This is the absolute best way to take full responsibility for yourself. Be kind. It may well take some effort. However, the rewards of this simple habit are tremendously becoming.

  • You will feel calmer because you trust yourself more.
  • You will get a clearer sense of direction.
  • Your plans will actually work out.
Be a real friend to yourself. Would you like to work with your worst enemy?
Photo by Thiago Barletta (Unsplash)

Be a Real Friend To Yourself!

What do we do when things don’t work out? We beat ourselves up about it.

The more important what we want to do is, the more we do it. Have you ever hit yourself, shouted, or punished yourself in other ways? Please, do not practice that kind of self-abuse.

Imagine you did this to your kid. Imagine this was done to you as a kid by your parents. It feels horrible to think about, even more so as that is what your subconscious will remember.

“I better not set any goals. I’ll probably miss them anyway. She (as in yourself) gets mad at me (as in your inner child)”.

“I am such a fool to plan. I’ll never succeed. Why bother?”

“I’m not good enough anyway…”

Well, I have good news and bad news for you. The good news is that everybody has probably experienced these thoughts at some point. The bad news is if you don’t change this behavior, your chances of success will diminish. And you will have to work even more hard.

In recent studies and translation of the biblical word “sin” from the original Aramaic, it appears that it just means not hitting the bullseye. Reading about this was a huge eye-opener to me. It is not a terrible sin not to succeed the first time. You just try again!

Would you say to your toddler: “you tried standing up 3 times already, so you can just give up on it forever”? No. We smile, make it no big deal, and say try again. It is just training.

Support yourself in whatever you want to accomplish. See it as training and development to one day be able to hit the bullseye.

Choice is action. Action creates change. Inspired massive actions make you accomplish your goals.
Photo by Jenna Lee (Unsplash)

Action Is #3 of The Crucial Habits

At the beginning of my spiritual path, it was all thinking, feeling, and not so much action.

Because the action was not spiritual. It was hard work. I believed, if I trained my thoughts to be positive and stop worrying, then good things would come to me. Besides, I deserved this. I should be able to attract and manifest what I wished.

However, I had a dilemma. During the day, I would work hard at my job to earn my living and be recognized. In my spare time, I would meditate, do yoga and read spiritual books. As time went by, reconciling my two worlds became still harder.

What I thought and what I did, was too far apart. I later learned this to be perfectly normal in the beginning.

How could I expect the world of spiritual philosophy to manifest in my life when I didn’t dare “come clean” about it otherwise? I was afraid not to be taken seriously.

Manifesting means bringing thoughts into a physical state. The only way to do this is by taking action. This means choosing to do something and using the body in some way. For instance, you may build a house, play music, talk or write to inspire others to take your ideas into physical life.

Just thinking and feeling will not do the trick. So thinking happy thoughts will not do it alone. For example, most of us make tons of decisions every day, not acting on most of them.

Choices are actions you take. Actions create change. Inspired massive action takes you toward what you really want.

Implementation of 3 crucial habits for success and money.
Photo by Kyle Glenn (Unsplash)

How To Implement Crucial Habits For Success

We cannot create success, money, or great health without these crucial habits.

In my experience, the daily routine is the best tool, preferably in the morning. However, you may feel differently about when and how to go about it.

Did you know that changing your habits is the most profound way to experience life differently?

Here are three simple questions to ask yourself:

  1. What do I need to accept about my situation — even if I don’t like it or fear to admit something about my situation?
  2. How may I best help myself today?
  3. What can I specifically do today?

Maybe all you can do to help yourself is to tap on the way you feel. Perhaps all you can specifically do is to clean the house or bring things in order.

All is fine. Your subconscious mind will learn that you want to change. Your continuous action with these questions will in themselves become the tool for change you need.

If you do this every day, you will have created 365 changes in a year. Even if you only keep it up for 30 days, you will change your situation and your feelings, as well as your habits.

My personal morning routine has helped me

  • Become more patient and
  • more accepting not just about myself
  • but about others as well.

For me, peace of mind is the most resourceful state. It helps to get clarity about new action towards success and money.

When implementing, I recommend

  • Tapping when you feel resistance, fear, or worry
  • Journaling your thoughts
  • Track all good things and changes

You can do it!



Marianne Arnkjaer

Mastercoach, spiritual, mother, business owner, yogateacher. I help especially women create wealth for themselves in business the feminine way. We need it.